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Rain, Snow, and Ice


Monday was very rainy and chilly. We started out in the parachute shelter with a nice fire and read the Mud Puddle story. Then we went out and found some newly formed mud puddles to jump and splash in, as we fully embraced the weather!

We worked on "dictated stories." This is an activity where kids make up stories and we write them down word for word in their journals. Then we share the stories out loud with the whole group. Everyone had a blast sharing their very silly stories!

We went to check in on the farm animals to see how they were holding up in the rain. Rosie was dry and cozy.


All of that rain on Monday really swelled the creek, and Tuesday's class enjoyed following the flow of the water by sending chunks of wood floating down the stream and discovering new pools and waterfalls.

We made pretend campfires, painted and mixed colorful potions and climbed our favorite trees.


Wednesday's class had a special guest -- Mandy's son Quinn. He taught us a new field game called Shipwreck and brought some padded swords for us to try out.

"shhhh, the animals are sleeping"

Working on our "ninja fort" with hammers.

Forest ninjas in training.

Here's a video of us dancing to the Abiyoyo story. So much energy!


Thursday brought lots of snow and ice! Due to poor road conditions we moved the class to Friday. Thankfully the snow and ice were still there for us to enjoy on Friday.

Sage was really proud of this collection of ice in the sled.

Lyle and Emma wanted to make videos of their sledding experiences to "share with the grown-ups." Enjoy!


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