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Jasper, Sage, Emma, Coley, Oswyn, Lily

Here is what some of our friends have been up to this past week:


"Jasper has been very busy playing outside. Something we do every day is hunt for worms and make a worm farm and feed them compost.

He also took a vantage of a very sunny day to throw water balloons at his sister in the front yard."


Sage went on a hike. "Seeing the baby salamander was a delight!" Unfortunately the blog format won't let us add the video of the amazing baby salamander!

Emma and Coley:

Emma and Coley have been making Spring lemonade, gathering violets, dandelions, chickweed and cleavers and adding lemons and honey.

They've also been making nest bundles for birds, climbing at Yellowwood State Forest, and net fishing.


Oswyn went nature exploring in the trees behind her house and found some flowers and a beanstalk tree!


Lily made slime out of glue and ended up leaving it outside in a pan where it dried out. Yesterday Lily went to play with it and discovered it had turned into a frisbee!

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