Wild EdiblesWe've been noticing lots of new plants in the forest this spring, and we've enjoyed foraging for wild edibles. Chickweed, redbuds, and...
Tree PlantingOn Monday we planted some fruit and nut trees that we got from the Neighborhood Planting Project in Bloomington. First we dug some holes....
ChicksThe new baby chicks! A clip from "Ozzy the Oppossum" as performed by the Fairywood Band Experiments in Balance Lighting Fairy Fires We...
3/1 - 3/4We really enjoyed the spring-like weather this week. We played all of our favorite field games, constructed a rock dam, made bird...
It's Maple Syrup TimeMonday On Monday we made a lot of snow sculptures, tapped the first maple tree of the season, and made pretend ice cream! First we asked...
FrozenThe driveway was frozen. On Friday we figured out how to skate, scoot, and slide our way across the ice and had so much fun! We spent a...
Rain, Snow, and IceMONDAY Monday was very rainy and chilly. We started out in the parachute shelter with a nice fire and read the Mud Puddle story. Then...
The Mystery of the Frozen FrogsWe had a wide variety of activities going on this week, but we noticed that what captured the kids' attention the most on any given day...
Fairy VillageMonday We discovered bunch of fairy homes near the waterfall and have been adding more throughout the week. It's become a fairy village!...
Wooden Animals, Festive Treats, and Snow!We made a lot of different wooden animals and dolls this week. This involved sawing, carving, drilling, painting, and gluing yarn. To...